Promotions 優惠 [English]
本公司於 1/11/2001 開始會推出 "尊貴客戶推薦" 計劃
1. 所有客戶歡迎參加本公司之 "尊貴客戶推薦" 計劃
2. 只要你介紹你親友成為本公司客戶,你隨即可以得到該新客戶於開戶後30天內每宗交易 $38 作為本公司對閣下之謝意 (最高為 $1,000 大元)。
請致電 2525 8660 或 電郵至 查詢。
In any circumstance, NO more than one promotion plan can be enjoyed by a single client at one time. The above gifts for redemption (hereinafter "gifts") are subject to availability and qualification approval by Rosa Securities Ltd and its managment. (hereinafter "RSL") and RSL reserved the absolute right to refuse any redemption whatsoever is the reason and which will not constitute any liability nor obligation from RSL to the client, participant and any other third party. RSL may substitute the gifts with any other item which the management considers to be appropriate.